What is uv drip off varnish?


UV drip off varnish is a special type of coating used in the printing industry to create a unique visual effect. Here's a breakdown of what it is and how it works:

  • Material: It's a two-part system consisting of a water-based gloss coating and an oil-based primer [1].

  • Process: The primer is applied first, and then the UV curable gloss varnish is layered on top [2].

  • Effect: The oil-based primer repels the gloss varnish, causing it to form droplets or create textured areas instead of a smooth, even coat [2]. This creates a visually interesting contrast between matte and glossy finishes.

UV drip off varnish is often used for:

  • Highlighting specific elements on a printed piece, like text or graphics [3].

  • Adding a touch of texture and dimension to a flat design [1].

  • Creating a unique background with varying levels of gloss [3].

Here are some additional points to note:

  • UV drip off varnish is applied using specialized printing presses equipped for drip off coating [4].

  • This technique is typically used for commercial printing jobs and not for DIY applications.

uv drip off varnish

drip off varnish

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